Wombat wrote: 
> This may be the reason that shortly he only responds to PM when "Sir
> Archimago" is used...

Hi Wombat!

I see that you have popped up for air again.

I would like to take issue with your cynical viewpoint (albeit disguised
as sardonic humour) since Archimago has (so far at least) maintained a
dignified silence in response to your goading.

So I would like to thank him on behalf of this forum for the
considerable amount of time & effort he has expended in trying to
demystify the enigma that MQA decoding represents (since its proponents
are unwilling to give any clear scientific explanation of its purported
benefits that could be tested according to our venerable scientific
method with repeatable results) and to put forward the proposition that
he has *-not-* in any way sided with the "snake oil" marketing faction
of the hi-fi industry.

My own sense of the results of his meticulous efforts & survey was
exactly the opposite of this, in that MQA decoding does not seem to
offer a significant technical advance even though a minority of the
participants in his survey claimed to have heard marginal "improvements"
on some, but not all of the programme material offered. This could have
resulted simply from the mildly euphonic effects of its unusual choice
of filters appealing subjectively to certain listeners, just as some
people "like" the non-linearity of all-valve amplifiers because the
perceived "warmth" to the sound that they tend to produce makes for a
more "musical" experience for them. I have used the quotes in the
previous sentence quite deliberately because they relate to subjective
matters that appeal to some listeners & decidedly not to others.

So I think that it is entirely unreasonable to suggest that Archimago is
promoting MQA as a technological breakthrough in any sense.

It is all to easy to do nothing but offer destructive criticism & snide
comments masquerading as humour, so I am delighted to spring to
Archimago's defence in this case if, for whatever reason, he is
unwilling further to debate the matter himself...

Dave  :cool:

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