ralphpnj wrote: 
> I know that many of us here find the high end magazines to be rather
> worthless as far as their equipment reviews are concerned but they often
> provide some good laughs. Here is small sample of the hilarity to be
> found in the latest (May 2018) issue of Stereophile:
> Equipment under review: LG V30 Smartphone with MQA
> Reviewer: Jason Victor Serinus
> Quote from "Conclusions":
> "Forced to chose among listening through headphones to the LG V30 or to
> the Bel Canto Design Black ACI 600 all-in-one integrated amplifier I
> reviewed in April ($24,900), or through loudspeakers to the Aurender A
> 10 network music player/server ($5500) in my main system, I'd choose the
> LG V30.
> Musically speaking, the LG V30 phone doesn't qualify as merely smart;
> LG's implementation of its Hi-Fi Quad DAC is a work of genius. If ever
> there were a device that could bring the experience of high-end sound to
> millions of music lovers, the hi-rez V30 with MQA is it. It's more than
> a game changer. For its audiophile sound quality and its smartphone
> portability - a combination that may prove unbeatable - it belongs in
> Stereophile's 'Recommended Components' in a Class A catagory all its
> own. Now, if only Apple could see the light and release a similar
> product."
> After reading the above I was left speechless and laughing hysterically.
> For that I feel that my subscription to Stereophile is well worth the $1
> per issue price.

Hi Ralph!

Now that I've stopped laffin', here's my short & sweet Brummie (that's
Brumigham, England folks... ) take: "UTTER BOLLOCKS!". 'Nuff said...  

Dave  :cool:

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