Golden Earring wrote: 
> Wow, Bill, you nearly got me there!
> I followed your link, & was enjoying the "weird science" & reflecting
> that with all those low voltage DC probes I might be able to cancel my
> next appointment with the proctologist.
> THEN, the clouds parted, a very bright light shone through & I heard a
> commanding voice saying, "Sell ALL of your hi-fi immediately & buy one
> of these contraptions!".
> Summoning my dwindling willpower, I took a large dose of a 2nd
> generation atypical antipsychotic medication that I happened to have to
> hand.
> I'm now feeling -slightly- better, but it was a close shave...
> Dave ;)

In a foreshadowing of many future audiophile devices, John W Campbell,
the editor of Astounding Science Fiction magazine, and a big proponent
in the 1950s of the Hieronymus Machine, the Dean Drive, the Scientology
E-meter and other similar devices, showed by experiment that a schematic
of the Hieronymus machine drawn on paper worked just as well as the
device itself.  This was, of course a not-at-all-double-blind test.


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