As i have a number of sytems around the house there are a number of
solutions so sorry for the list that follows . 

Music System Raspberry Pi 3+ , Allo Digione Digihat feeding a MiniDSP
DDRC 22D then feeding a Denafrips Pro-8 DAC into Musical Fidelity Pre
then Croft OTL amplifier to Quad ESL 57 speakers 

Spare room System - Raspberry Pi4 2GB , HiFiberry Digione pro Digihat
feeding a MiniDSP DDRC 24 as part of an active system so the DDRC 24 is
the Digital Crossover / DSP using DIRAC Live 2.0 / DAC / Volume Control
directly in to the two stereo (Quad 405) power amplifiers in to a
stacked pair of KEF 103 reference speakers (1973/4) .

Bedroom System - 02 Joggler as Squeeze Player - Feeding Micromedia DAC 2

Kitchen system - Justboom Amphat - directly in to speakers 

Front TV room - Raspberry Pi 3+ , Justboom Digihat feeding Onkyo AV
Reciever as DAC . 

I am very happy in all cases with the results each being very listenable
even the kitchen sytem which is used as background when cooking . Most
musical is the main system which was much improved with the Denafrips
DAC . Sadly just before the lock down was implemented it developed a
fault and is now currently away being repaired. Metrum Octave DAC is
filling in and sounds very good as well .

System - Concordant Exhilirant Valve Pre , SBT Triode EDO,Toolbox 3.0 ,
Theta Data Basic II Transport , Perpetual Technology P-1a,P-3a,Anti Mode
2.0 Dual Core,Krell KSA50 MK 1 .
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