Mr. Junjiro R. Okajima,

it would be a great pleasure for me, if You could publish the script on Your
proposed git repository under the address aufs2-util.git/sample/auroot/. I
have made some corrections and rewrite parts of chapter ten. Append the script at bldchraufs and renamed bldchraufs to bldchraufs.aio. The extension
"aio" stand for "all in one". Create the new chapter four with instructions
how to extract the scripts bldchraufs and from bldchraufs.aio. Please,
could You take a look of the new version.

Before I answer to Your suggestion and question, I have apologize me. You
found to letters with the same contents. This was my fault. I haven't realized
that the email server sends a copy of a received email to all listed members.
I thought, my email provider couldn't deliver the email to You and so I
send it a second time. That's the burden of the electronic life.

Your suggestion putting all the code in control structures is clearly the
better way, but - and now come the great but - the idea behind the script is
a simple introduction for the build of a chroot environment with the aid of
AUFS. I think, the proposed control structures will hide the idea. For people
like me it wasn't very easy to understand what AUFS can do for us. It was like
reading UNIX manual pages. My experience is, UNIX manual pages aren't aids for
novice. It's more a hint, go a head, look for an example and come back if you
have enough experience. I personally learn much by examples and in the most
cases I get the idea. With this experience in mind I wrote the script. The
script should be more a base to help manifest extensive ideas based on AUFS.
The writing of the script gave me more experience to make better decisions
concerning AUFS and the executing of an operation system under a chroot envi-
ronment. Perhaps other peoples want participate on this experience.

During the writing of the script I thought, why not give the user a switch
in the GNOME Desktop log in screen to run the session in the chroot environ-
ment. A second thought was, why not building up the chroot environment on a
persistent base. The realization of the first idea is beyond my knowledge.
Perhaps other people grasp the idea. The second idea is clearly a task for a
script, that need control structures for its realization.

And now I will answer to Your question concerning the script. The
script is a corrected version of the start up script hal. The propose
of the hal script is the start of the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) daemon
hald. HAL is one of the interfaces between Udev and D-Bus. Without a working
hald the NetworkManger, UPower and the PolicyKit have problems under a running
GNOME Desktop session. The Execution of a GNOME Desktop session in a chroot
environment needs a new start of the dbus and the gdm scripts. At start of the
gdm script the script checks if a hald is running. If not, gdm start the hal
script. The starting hal script checks if the script is running in a chroot
environment. If the answer is yes, the script exit with the following error

 Can't start Hardware abstraction layer - detected chrooted session

You find the code that checks the chroot session under the line 64 in the file The file is a copy of hal. Hal is located in the directory

In the Internet I found a discussion between a Debian and Ubuntu developer,
concerning the above mentioned error message. One of them suggested that
the check shouldn't run with the start option. The check should only run du-
ring a restart of the script. The other agreed. I lost the address of the
Internet site.

In the changed script I pushed the code in the function check_hal_
prerequisites() and put the function into the case assignment under the 
restart|force-reload branch. Before the start - see chapter five, step nine
of the script bldchraufs - the user replace the script hal under the directory
/tmp/jail/etc/init.d/ with the contents of the script The new contents
guaranties an error free start of the hal daemon in the chroot environment.

Robert Wotzlaw

1. All in one file bldchraufs.aio,v 0.1 2010-07-01 16:57:54+02:00
2. HAL init script
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