
after using aufs for a while, I've ran into two extremely annoying
1. There is a folder which I seem can't rename into a specific name:
$ mv 4.0 XXX   <- OK
$ mv XXX 5.0   <- OK
$ mv 5.0 6.0   <- BAD
mv: cannot move `4.0/schemes/Tux.ksf' to `6.0/schemes/Tux.ksf':
Input/output error
mv: cannot move `4.0/samples/javascript_sample.js' to
`6.0/samples/javascript_sample.js': Input/output error
mv: cannot move `4.0/samples/perl_tutorials' to
`6.0/samples/perl_tutorials': Input/output error
mv: cannot move `4.0/samples/ruby_sample.rb' to
`6.0/samples/ruby_sample.rb': Input/output error
mv: cannot move `4.0/samples/html_sample.html' to
`6.0/samples/html_sample.html': Input/output error
mv: cannot move `4.0/XRE/extensions.rdf' to `6.0/XRE/extensions.rdf':
Input/output error
mv: cannot move `4.0/XRE/XPC.mfasl' to `6.0/XRE/XPC.mfasl': Input/output
mv: cannot move `4.0/XRE/prefs.js' to `6.0/XRE/prefs.js': Input/output

I can't move the folder both on aufs, and on the "original
branch" (while aufs is mounted).

I can copy the folder with no errors, but even after it gets removed, i
still am incapable of renaming original folder to "6.0" without causing
any errors:
$ cp -r 5.0 6.0  <- OK
$ rm -rf 6.0     <- OK
$ mv 5.0 6.0     <- same input/output errors

It seems that aufs somehow remembers that specific location.

With each error dmesg reports:
[  481.729564] aufs au_lkup_neg:326:mv[2552]: I/O Error, b4 6.0 should
be negative.
[  481.729612] aufs au_lkup_neg:326:mv[2552]: I/O Error, b4 6.0 should
be negative.
[  481.729662] aufs au_lkup_neg:326:mv[2552]: I/O Error, b4 6.0 should
be negative.
[  481.729711] aufs au_lkup_neg:326:mv[2552]: I/O Error, b4 6.0 should
be negative.
[  481.729774] aufs au_lkup_neg:326:mv[2552]: I/O Error, b4 6.0 should
be negative.
[  481.729822] aufs au_lkup_neg:326:mv[2552]: I/O Error, b4 6.0 should
be negative.
[  481.729871] aufs au_lkup_neg:326:mv[2552]: I/O Error, b4 6.0 should
be negative.

It's not a huge problem, but I don't like the idea that it persists even
after reboot, so it would be nice if I could fix that somehow.

Another issue is with VMware Workstation.
I have serval branches:
In br0 I currently keep all /usr /etc /tmp folders except /home
In br8 I keep /home, and it's the only branch which has /home on it.
Both br0 and br8 are rw (and /sys/fs/aufs/si_*/* confirms that).

So, logically, if any file gets modified or created within /home
directory, should stay in br8. And that's the case with all programs
I've tested so far except with VMware Workstation.

When I start any virtual machine, it creates lock folders and log files
in br0! Because of this, /home folder gets created in br0 and all new
files which are created in /home/user go to br0, which isn't what I

I tried that with several mount policies, always the same result. I even
reloaded all the vmware's modules, restarted all the services in case
vmware somehow gets "bound" to the first branch, because after mounting
aufs I append several branches manually with a script, in which /home
folder with VMs resides.

It looks like a bug.

To undo the "damage", i rm -rf /home in br0, but then hell breaks loose.
Most of running programs start malfunctioning, and when I try to
"cd /home", I get an error "stale NFS handle".

I'm not sure if that's what should happen, but removing folders from
aufs's branches while the system is mounted would be nice. Is that
possible without running into "stale NFS handle" problem?

I guess that's it for now.

Good day,

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