Just throwing this out so that people can search on it:

I now have an example file with a filename length of 100 characters,
however most will be wide characters since its mainly Japanese - in python:





So in UTF-8, its more than double the length! Presumably a character
won't be more than 2 bytes long, so hidden characters??

Interacting with this in aufs is causing 'File name too long' errors
(rsync reports error code 36).

Reading the manpage, I think this is covered with:


      The  whiteout prefix (.wh.) is reserved on all branches. Users
should not handle the filename
       begins with this prefix.  In order to future whiteout, the
maximum filename length is limited
       by  the  longest  value  - 4 * 2 - 1 - 4 = 242.  It means you
cannot handle such long name in
       aufs, even if it surely exists on the underlying branch fs. The
readdir(3)/getdents(2)  call
       show you such name, but the d_type is set to DT_UNKNOWN.  It may
be a violation of POSIX.


246 is pretty close to the extfs/btrfs max of 255B, so I doubt its going
to get 'solved' any time soon.

The name is stupidly long anyway, wide characters or not.

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Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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