Loui Chang <louipc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun 03 Oct 2010 12:54 +0200, Rémy Oudompheng wrote:
>> With pkgstats, we have some idea about what AUR packages are often
>> used [*]. I think it would be interesting to display usage statistics
>> in AUR, as it would be a good complement to the vote statistics. Are
>> we interested in such a feature, or do you think it is unnecessary due
>> to the existence of the vote feature ?
>> [*] https://www.archlinux.de/?page=PackageStatistics
> Well I pkgstats may compliment votes, but they really are different
> stats. Pkgstats include lots of packages that are not included in the
> AUR, and probably some that exist in other 3rd party repos.
> I think it's appropriate that pkgstats has its own home.
> I'm not exactly sure how you would want to incorporate them into the
> AUR. Discussion is always welcome though, so don't be afraid to share
> your ideas. Cheers.

I was thinking of adding a column when displaying search results (so
that there would be two numerical columns, "Votes" and "Usage stats").
Each package would display the corresponding number fetched from the
pkgstats database. The most useful thing we can do with that is
probably to add these stats as a sort criterion.


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