sorry, something must be wrong with my IRC-environment or with my
knowledge about it. Again I did not manage to join.
So let me discuss the proposal here.

First I have some questions.

What are accessibility packages? Things like ssh?

I mean packages for people with disabilities.
- packages that are part of a collection and are intended to be
distributed together, provided the primary part of this collection
satisfies the definition of popular
To whose intention do you reflect here? I guess to upstreamer's
intention? I think of the texlive-doc packages here I maintain in

For this I am meaning groups of packages that are "split" upstream. e.g all the alsa components.

TUs with large numbers of "non-popular" packages are more likely to be
Do you mean that? Or should it be"packages of TUs with large numbers of
"non-popular" packages are more likely to be rejected."?

Yeah.  It should say "Proposed additions from TUs with large numbers...."

Some thoughts. - If we encourage people to drop packages that are not popular, we
should also encourage them to take packages in "usupported" that _are_
popular to "community".

That would be the idea.

- What if there are popular third party repos with packages? Should this
give an impact on our decision to put these packages to community or

I don't think that should be a big consideration. But I suppose if you only want to bring in 1 package out of 2 and a third party repo has one...

- The benefit for the user of packages being distributed in binary form
varies. I.e. a package with low complexity or no compile time could
easily stay in AUR even if it is popular.

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