Biru Ionut wrote:
Aaron Griffin wrote:

Please try again - the dir was owned by the 'aur' group which I
assumed everyone was in. I changed the group to the same as the svn
repo (for now)

still the same problem. maybe i'm not doing right.

$ /arch/db-community
Updating DB for community i686
==> Copying DB file from 'community'...
==> Processing new/updated packages for repository 'community'...
Checked out revision 25.
    Validating package arch (i686) gnote
    Checking SVN for gnote
Copying new files to '/srv/ftp/community/os/i686/'
/bin/cp: cannot create regular file `/srv/ftp/community/os/i686/community.db.tar.gz': Permission denied
error: failure while copying files to /srv/ftp/community/os/i686/

Try again now. It seems you and I both tried before Aaron's chmod had completely finished.


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