There are 176 lib32 and 68 bin32 pkgs in aur
, who wants to write comment on each.
Well most of bin32 are binary only pkgs
but still wouldn't it be easyer to have one
message to inform all current maintainers
of such a pkg and also make sure that
the new pkg will be created on same

2010/11/14 Ng Oon-Ee <>

> On Sat, 2010-11-13 at 22:46 +0200, jesse jaara wrote:
> > I think we should start a campaign for
> > converting the lib32 and bit32 pkgs to
> > new multilib compliant format.
> > So instead if downloading the 32bit
> > version from the i686 repos build
> > the package from source whit -m32
> > and gcc-multilib.
> Is there a need for a campaign? Just leave a message on the comments.

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(> <) come join the dark side.
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