On 11/17/2010 02:22 PM, Allan McRae wrote:
On 17/11/10 21:59, Ionuț Bîru wrote:
On 11/17/2010 03:03 AM, Gaetan Bisson wrote:
Dear TUs,

I'm Gaetan, a (discreet) junior dev, mentored by Allan. I recently got
access to sigurd and thought I would use that opportunity to maintain in
[community] a few packages I have been maintaining on the AUR so far,
but which are just a bit too unpopular to go to [extra]:

the main idea is that you are a junior dev without pushing rights on the
mirrors. Now you got access on sigurd will full privileges.

Do you guys (TUs) have some concern regarding this? Do we need to start
a new applications to join our TU team?

Just as an FYI, I would not have suggested these guys have access if I
had any concerns. They both have actually managed packages in the
[extra] repo for a few months now without breaking anything.

New TUs are provided full access to the [community] with zero total
experience on our systems. If you are really concerned then we should
restrict new TUs from pushing packages as well...


sure. i'm just raising some concerns. I do know both of them well enough but mostly because i'm in this junior dev program. Majority of TUs doesn't even know if we have pick junior devs.

In the future i would like to have this more public. Does Loui know about the new users or everything was done privately between you and they?


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