On 18 November 2010 09:48, Loui Chang <louipc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd almost say I'd like to see something like a Launchpad or Sourceforge
> for the AUR, with everything you need available via a more-or-less
> homogenous interface. But all features should be accessible via the
> command line as the core interface. It seems like everything out there
> is web based which bugs me for some reason.

+1 I feel the same for some reason. This I can say is worth dabbling into.

On 18 November 2010 10:45, Kaiting Chen <kaitocr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I meant that you can do a 'svn update' or 'cvs update' to merge changes
>> from the server into your working dir.
> But you cannot commit to your local repository. Nor can you branch, tag,
> etc. Basically you can't do anything useful with a traditional VCS in a
> decentralized structure like the AUR. --Kaiting.

There are branches and tags in Subversion, though a little different
(being it's all centralised). You can do everything useful if you put
aside the concept of a local repository. But I guess that very same
concept is what makes a decentralised VCS pretty versatile.

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