On Sun 05 Dec 2010 14:23 -0500, Shacristo wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Xyne <x...@archlinux.ca> wrote:
> > Xyne wrote:
> >
> >> Xyne wrote:
> >> > See attachment :P
> >>
> >> Trying again...
> >
> > ?
> >
> > Are attachments disabled or is there something wrong on my end?
> >
> > Here's the script in-line. Sorry for spamming the list.
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/env python2
> > from sys import argv
> >
> > # Quorum (66%)
> > quorum = 0.66
> >
> > # Total active TUs, yes votes, no votes, abstain votes.
> > TUs, yes, no, abstain = [float(x) for x in argv[1:]]
> > # Total number of votes.
> > votes = yes + no + abstain
> >
> > # If an absolute majority has voted yes,
> > if yes / TUs > 0.50 \
> > # or quorum has been established with a simple majority
> > or (votes / TUs > quorum and yes / votes > 0.50):
> >  print "The motion has passed."
> >
> > else:
> >  print "The motion has failed."
> >
> You need to multiply 0.66 x TUs for the actual quorum requirement and
> you're counting no and abstain votes exactly the same.  My
> understanding is that abstain votes are only used for establishing a
> quorum.  Otherwise there's no reason to have them.

That's right. Abstained votes are counted for quorum (The TU was present
for the vote), but is a ruined or blank vote, so do not affect the final
result. The passing of the motion results from the number of 'aye' votes
being greater than 'nay'.

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