Kaiting Chen wrote:

> I'm nitpicking here because we're pretty much at the final edit: Why do we
> have this redundant construct? "aur-general mailing list (aur-general)".

"aur-general" is an abbreviation of "the aur-general mailing list". I
originally wrote something along the lines of "hereafter simply referred to as
aur-general". It removes any ambiguity regarding what aur-general is.

> Also I fixed one case of bylaws -> by-laws. And personally I prefer
> 'exceeds' to 'is greater than', and 'exceeds or equals' to 'is greater than
> or equal to' just for conciseness.

I prefer "greater|less than or equal to" in this case. I think they feel more

> Also I find the parts regarding the length of the discussion and voting
> period reading "UNLESS otherwise stated in a section of the by-laws
> pertaining to the proposal" rather awkward. I looked at the original bylaws
> and under the Standard Voting Procedure section says only "a certain period
> of time should be allotted to its discussion" without prescribing any length
> of time (it leaves the actual length of time to the sections describing each
> action). I would rather that this part read as the original by-laws, or that
> we standardize the length of the discussion period (make everything have a X
> day discussion period).
> Also if we are putting stuff like five day discussion section, seven day
> voting period, 66% quorum in the Standard Voting Procedure section, are we
> going to remove the redundant information in the other sections? As it
> stands now every section says 66% quorum.

Considering that almost everything uses those defaults I think it makes more
sense to keep them in one place and then simply override them as necessary
elsewhere. Think of them as global variables.

The rest of the by-laws should be updated to reflect the changes, both in form
and substance.

Loui Chang wrote:

> > I've removed that passage, changed "bylaws" to "by-laws", and changed "YES /
> > NO" to "YES or NO".
> I would prefer the non hyphenated spelling. *shrug*

Well, the English language disagrees with you and so does my spell-checker. :P

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