On 11.12.2010 03:15, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
> This is the official thread of the "Arch holiday madness!" nominations!
> Please read the article located on rollingrelease.com or archlinux.org

Can't find one on archlinux.org :p

> before posting nominations here.

Here we go:
mpdscribble [0]
  * 280 votes
  * 2.32% usage
  * does one task (scrobbling), nothing more
  * all dependencies are either in core or extra
  * maintained by the developer of mpd itself, so there won't be
any breakge on that side

vim-nerdtree [1]
  * 145 votes
  * 1.80% usage
  * it's just one of those really handy vim plugins

So far,

[0] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=16404
[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=19931

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