On 29 December 2010 00:24, Heiko Baums <li...@baums-on-web.de> wrote:
> Am Tue, 28 Dec 2010 22:49:32 +0800
> schrieb Ray Rashif <sc...@archlinux.org>:
>> virtualbox-guest-additions -> virtualbox-additions-linux ('guest' not
>> important; shall be implied by description)
>>   desc: "Additions for Linux guests (userspace tools)"
>> virtualbox-guest-modules -> virtualbox-modules-linux (as above)
>>   desc: "Additions for Linux guests (kernel modules)
>> ...
>> No. The additions CD image can be bloat to some people only running
>> vbox with an (arch)linux guest.
> But wouldn't this be a bit better?
> virtualbox-guest-additions -> virtualbox-additions-archlinux ('guest'
> not important; shall be implied by description)
>  desc: "Additions for Arch Linux guests (userspace tools)"
> virtualbox-guest-modules -> virtualbox-modules-archlinux (as above)
>  desc: "Additions for Arch Linux guests (kernel modules)"

They're actually distro-independent. We just build, (re)package and
move stuff around to the proper directories fit for whatever distro we
use. Anyway, it's not wrong - either linux or archlinux serves the
purpose here.

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