Thomas S Hatch wrote:

> Ok, I have a bit of a problem with a pair of packages, puppet and facter.
> As it stands the puppet package in the aur is broken, it builds but it does
> not run properly. The puppet package in the AUR is configured to run on ruby
> 1.9, puppet does not run properly on ruby 1.9 yet, and the pacman plugin for
> puppet that is supplied with the package no longer works properly. The
> package has also been out of date for a few weeks.
> I have contacted the maintainer and I was promised that my fixes would be
> applied, but they were not, so I made a duplicate, puppet-ruby1.8 and
> facter-ruby1.8, I am using these packages in production and they work very
> well.
> I even open up a github account, forked Miah's puppet package, applied the
> changes and requested a pull as requested.
> But the package remains out of date and broken, so my question is this, does
> this constitute grounds for having a TU orphan the packages so I can update
> them, make them work, and get rid of my duplicates? Or should I continue
> more diplomatically?
> -Tom Hatch

According to the comments on the page, you first brought up the merger about a
month and a half ago, so even if the maintainer is busy irl as mentioned in
his|her last post, there has been plenty of time to fix the package.

I've orphaned puppet for now. Facter is neither flagged as out-of-date nor are
there any comments regarding the issue on the page. Is there anything wrong
with the facter package?


p.s. Please provide links next time.

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