Excerpts from Philipp Gesang's message of 2011-01-14 09:21:57 +0100:
> Hello archers,
> for my own use I made a pkgbuild of luaGRAPH[1] and I’d like to
> share it via aur. As this will be my first contribution I guess
> it can’t hurt to have it reviewed here by more experienced users
> before submitting.
> Thanks for your opinion, Philipp
> [1] http://luagraph.luaforge.net/
>     http://luaforge.net/projects/luagraph/
> # Maintainer: Philipp Gesang <megas dot kapaneus at gmail dot com>
> pkgname=luagraph
> pkgver=1.0.4
> pkgrel=1
> pkgdesc="LuaGRAPH is a binary module to create, manipulate, layout and render 
> graphs using the Lua programming language."
> arch=("any")
> url="http://luaforge.net/projects/${pkgname}";
> license=("MIT")
> depends=("lua" "graphviz")
> source=("http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/4528/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz";
>         "LICENSE")
> md5sums=("f2f71bcbabf243792e230665b1403f58"
>          "814f32bd3d115e90f777e7baf714338d")
> build() {
>   cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" || return 1
>   make
>   install -Dm0755 graph/core.so "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/lua/5.1/graph/core.so"   
> || return 1
>   install -Dm0644 graph.lua "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/lua/5.1/graph.lua"           
> || return 1
>   install -Dm0644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE" 
> || return 1
> }

Is there a reason to distribute it as a binary? Compiling from source is
the preferred way. Link to source tarballs:

Also, binary packages should be postfixed with -bin.


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