On 02/03/2011 08:49 PM, Stéphane Gaudreault wrote:
Dear Tus,

I would like to add pyopencl [1] to [community]. I maintain this package in
AUR and it has 14 votes.

Pyopencl depends, among other, on libcl (OpenCL library, provided by either
nvidia-utils or amdstream [2]) and a package that provides OpenCL C/C++

Here is my plan :

* Add pyopencl to [community] (I will use a better name, something like
* Tidy up and add opencl-headers [3] (66 votes) to [community] [4].
* Leave amdstream in AUR

The opencl-headers package provides headers from the Khronos group. It could
also be possible to use a different source to get *exactly* the same headers
(Nvidia for example).

Any comment or objections in adding these packages to the [community]

no. let me know if i need to modify nvidia-utils in some way.


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