I have contributed a few PKGBUILDs to AUR.  I do it because I enjoy it
-- all I ask is for is recognition.  Yes, this is an open source
project and it is implicit that the work can and (hopefully) be
adopted and improved.  But recognition of each person who contributed
should be maintained.

I am not a lawyer and I generally tune out all license flame wars.
That said, PKGBUILDS generally do not contain copyright or license
declarations.  Unless I am mistaken, that means someone who comes into
possession of a PKGBUILD does not have the right to republish it.

As a minimum, I think Arch should get a nod from the creator of a
PKGBUILD prior to absorbing it into the colective -- It might help
avoid any misunderstandings.

Oh, and I would be honored to have one of my PKGBUILDs graduate to a
more general release.

Eric Waller

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