Not that I wouldn't mind the credit but it was Lukas Fleischer who
implemented the official repo checking code and not me. He is also
hosting the git repository for his branch of the AUR.

Your idea sort of sounds like "retiring" a package to me. That seems
like an interesting idea but I am not sure the benefits are worth the
work involved. The benefits that I can see are:

+ keeping a backup of the source package (for whom? are they that valuable?)
+ keeping a backup of the comments, which hardly anyone can see (the
original author? TUs?)

Just to be specific, a TU clicks the "Retire" button on a package to
retire it. A retired package is hidden from the general user. Only the
original author can see it. I suppose TU or devs could see it as well,
in a special swanky section of the site. Problems I brainstormed:

- what happens if the original author disowns his invisible retired
package? does he lose it never to found again? would anyone care?
- what sort of design on the web could be used to show old retired
package comments? you can't hide a package and show its comments. who
is the end-user for old musty comments anyways?

Anyways there you go. If I were the one expected to spend time
programming this (for free) I would say that it's not worth the


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