On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 2:40 PM, Peter Lewis <ple...@aur.archlinux.org>wrote:

> On Friday 25 February 2011 11:12:15 Lukas Fleischer wrote:
> > Well, I'm addressing current blacklisting issues with the AUR [1].  I
> > noticed that some of the packages in the official repos have AUR
> > packages as provides, some of them (well, at least one of them, didn't
> > search for more) were even added due to FRs [2]. Donnu if this applies
> > to [core] and [extra] as well.
> >
> > Is that regular practice? Imho, we shouldn't do that. The AUR is
> > something to be considered separately. If we start to care about
> > provides/conflicts with AUR packages, we'll need to add all
> > "-devel"/"-svn"/"-git"/"-beta" packages in the AUR to the official
> > packages conflicts and provides as well. And we'll need to start
> > searching for alternative repos to ensure there's no conflict with our
> > official packages.
> >
> > Seriously, we should be consistent here.
> Can't remember where I read this being discussed, but I'm pretty sure that
> no
> package in [core], [extra] or [community] should reference anything in the
> AUR.
> Pete.

Right, if there is a package that is depending on an AUR package from a
supported repo than it is a bug and can be reported.

-Thomas S Hatch

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