On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 4:45 AM, Andrea Scarpino <and...@archlinux.org> wrote:
> On Sunday 03 July 2011 09:52:46 sacarde wrote:
>> ok, I unistall:
>> perl-moose-2.0007-1  perl-eval-closure-0.06-1 perl-scalar-list-utils-1.23-4
>> (for dependencies)
>> now perl-package-stash-xs build OK
> We switched perl to 5.14.1, I guess you have to rebuild your perl modules from
> AUR.
> --
> Andrea

Users must rebuild all their AUR perl XS modules. XS modules have
dynamic libraries compiled for the version of perl they were built
with. This command shows all the perl XS modules that are from the AUR
installed on the system.

pacman -Qmq | perl -ne 'print if /^perl/ && grep { /.so$/ } `pacman -Ql $_`'


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