Hi all,

I'm the maintainer of the package pcsx2-svn[1]. PCSX2 from now on will
install files in a different folder than /opt/pcsx2 - I'm still going
to adapt the PKGBUILD. Plugins, as I can see in Archlinux Packaging
Standards [2], should go to /var/lib/pcsx2/PLUGINNAME.so... However,
pcsx2 is a 32 bit package and only works in 64 bit because it uses
lib32 packages.

In my 64 bit system, I can see that the compilation of pcsx2 [gcc
-m32, thanks to gcc-multilib] gives me ELF 32 bit plugins, which makes
it a little bit weird to have it inside /var/lib/pcsx2 - which is a
system's architecture folder. However, on 32 bit systems, there would
be no problem putting plugins in /var/lib/pcsx2.

Having that said, where should 32 and 64 bit compilations of PCSX2 put
its plugins (talking about /varlib/pcsx2 and /var/lib32/pcsx2)?

[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=21899
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards

Thanks in advance,


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