
My name is Alexander Rødseth. I'm from Oslo, Norway, am 29 years old
for two more months and have been using Arch for a couple of years.

My first taste of Linux was a brief acquaintance with Red Hat over a
decade ago, followed by Slackware and then Debian for a few years. Now
I use Arch Linux both at home and at work, and it's my absolute
favorite so far.

My 62 AUR packages [1] have a total of 2519 votes, where 32% of the
votes are for packages I submitted, while the rest are for previously
orphaned packages, that needed a warm and caring home.

I like how Arch tries to avoid fixing things behind your back, which I
think is evident from the installation process, the package manager
and the love for simplicity I've found in Arch users and developers

I enjoy programming in Go, Haskell, Python and C, try to contribute to
open source projects with bug reports and the occasional patch (here
is one for Blender [2] and one for Firefox [3]). When I was younger, I
wrote a program for drawing icons and animating sprites. [4] I have a
wacky homepage where I experiment with HTML5 and upload small CLI
programs as I see fit. [5]

I'm currently employed in Hue AS [6], a company that (roughly
explained) sells a software engine for converting sound to
3D-graphics. I mainly work with developing and maintaining the
internal systems for keeping track of licenses, builds and issues with
the code (mostly written in Python). Luckily, I only program a minimum
of C++. ;)

I started working with programming before studying computer science,
and I am on a lifelong track of continuing to learn stuff on my own.

At least one of my AUR packages has been moved to [community]
(lib32-libasyncns, moved by Jan Steffens in 2010, only have the e-mail
as reference) and I've contributed to at least one package in [extra]

I hang out and answer questions on #archlinux as often as I can.

My goal with becoming a TU is first and foremost to help out with
maintaining packages for the distro that I love and use.

If I can find a bug to fix or a feature to add to pacman, or any other
arch-centric application, I would like to do so. (Could an option for
pacman to list all system-files that are not owned by a package be

I am grumpy before the first cup of coffee in the morning, other than
that I'm generally happy, helpful and benevolent. I try to get a
minimum of exercise and I'm in a stable relationship. I like the game
of Go and creating music with jack, MIDI-synths and Arch, of course.

Evangelos Foutras was kind enough to sponsor me for applying to become a TU.

Humble regards,
 Alexander Rødseth
 (xyproto on IRC, trontonic on AUR)

[2] http://www.3dmodellering.no/beckmann/
[3] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78414   (ctrl-f, "patch")
[4] http://burn.sf.net
[5] http://roboticoverlords.org
[6] http://hue.no
[7] http://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/crypto%2B%2B/trunk/

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