On 28.09.2011 18:50, Bartek Piotrowski wrote:
> 2011/9/27 Dave Reisner <d...@falconindy.com>:
>> Thanks for your application. I really only have one question -- what is
>> it you hope to accomplish as a TU? Put differently, why are you
>> applying? I don't really feel that you've answered this question
>> sufficiently in your application.
> I always wanted to help distribution I'm using. IMO this is partially
> spirit of Open Source movement. As I wrote before I'm also Debian and
> Gentoo user, but the first one have crazy packaging system, second -
> bureaucracy bigger than in Debian. Only Arch I'm using for long time
> and not as end user.
> As I wrote before, I want to take some packages in [community], maybe
> put again alacarte (but modified to work with Xfce) in repository and
> in general help in maintaining AUR.
> Bartek Piotrowski
We could use somebody who will maintain some of our orphans
(https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?maintainer=orphan). Would you be
willing to do that?

Is there any general topic of the packages you'd be interested to maintain?

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