Peter Lewis <> wrote:

>On Thu, 27 Oct 2011, Christopher luna wrote:
>> This is (again) about forbidding urls to warez on pkgbuilds on AUR. 
>Hi. Please don't break threads though by starting new ones.
>> probably you people have seen the discussion on the forum.
>> But is not going anyware. 
>> Now, I think ewaller, hitted the nail in the head when said: 
>> "If you don't have explicit permission to copy and distribute, you
>may not copy and distribute. Period."
>> I think something as easy like that would solve it all.
>I don't think so, since AUR packages do not distribute code.
>Take a look at my cedega package for one approach:
>but this is probably overkill for most cases.
>Just do what Ionut suggested earlier, put the name of the downloaded
>file in the
>source array, but without the URL, so that users have to already have
>download the file themselves before running makepkg.
>Putting a rule to this effect for any/all non-free software would make
>sense to

I don't see the point. AUR packages do not redistribute anything. They contain 
URLs themselves.

-- Sven-Hendrik

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