> Hello developers / TUs,
> My Arch master key is available at [1] with fingerprint 6841 48BB
> 25B4 9E98 6A49  44C5 5184 252D 824B 18E8.
> Every packager, please do the following: 1) Reply to this email to
> thomas at master-key.archlinux.org and fully quote this email. Include
> your gerolde/sigurd username in the email. Sign your reply using
> your GPG key. 2) Upload your public key (gpg --armor --export
> $KEYID) to your home directory on gerolde/sigurd under the name
> $HOME/arch-linux-packager-key. 3) Name at least one package in the
> repositories already signed with your key.
> Sadly, this process will only prove that you are in posession of
> the ssh key to upload packages into the repositories. I will
> contact you personally afterwards if I need further
> identification.
> Please note: there are be 5 master key holders (Allan, Dan,
> Pierre, Ionut, me), and you need at least 3 signatures on your key
> so your packages will be trusted by pacman.
> Regards Thomas
> [1]
> https://dev.archlinux.org/~thomas/thomas_AT_master-key.archlinux.org.asc

Sigurd username: tredaelli
Package signed: netselect, ragel, sub2srt

Timothy Redaelli
drizztbsd @ irc.freenode.net

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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