On 20 December 2011 12:37, Peter Lewis <ple...@aur.archlinux.org> wrote:
> So, I don't have this, right?
You've the right version.

> This made me think that it might be a codec issue, but I have every
> gstreamer0.10-plugin package installed and phonon backend is set to Gstreamer.
> And, if I put the URL of a video *file* (not tag) straight into rekonq, it
> plays perfectly.
Seems that the backend isn't an issue, see [1]

> This is strange - the first frame of the video does display and the buttons
> sort of work, i.e. the volume button changes colour when I click on it - but
> the video doesn't play.
Can you test with a new user just to see if that work?

[1] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1030468#p1030468


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