On 02/26/2012 01:28 AM, Peter Lewis wrote:
> On Saturday 25 Feb 2012 15:36:33 Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
>> I have already fixed the only 2 that are affected in repos: ruby-rack
>> & ruby-pkgconfig
>> The rest of the pkgs that are affected are in the AUR.
> Good to hear, but yes I'd imagine there are a fair number in the AUR too. I'm 
> wondering if this notice is enough, or if we just let them find out slowly...
> Could we, for example, drop a comment on packages with "gem" in the PKGBUILD? 
> Is that feasible? Desirable?
> Pete.

$ git clone --depth=1 git://pkgbuild.com/aur-mirror.git
$ cd aur-mirror
$ git grep --not -e "user-install" --and -e " gem " | cut -f1 -d"/" | uniq
$ profit

I get 264, the majority having a ruby- prefix.

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