Am Fri, 2 Mar 2012 07:45:34 +0800
schrieb Oon-Ee Ng <>:

> Splitting off from the TU application thread that's becoming more of a
> discussion on the above:-
> My (user) perspective - when did being able/not to install packages
> from a helper (for example yaourt) become a benchmark for deciding how
> 'correct' a PKGBUILD is?

It's not only the helper, but it's one point. And it was not only the
split package but also those two depends arrays in some PKGBUILDs.

A correct PKGBUILD should in my opinion respect the official packaging
standards. And since AUR doesn't support split packages it's just not
officially supported.

And why can't a package being built in a way that it can easily
installed by those helpers?


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