thanks everyone for letting me know these.

2012/3/27 郑文辉(Techlive Zheng) <>:
> 2012/3/27 Tai-Lin Chu <>:
>> @Alexander Rødseth
>> that's "how it should work", but unfortunately none of these work well
>> in reality. my reason of cloning is that "the time when these packages
>> will update or fit your need is known". god knows when these packages
>> will update; it could be weeks or months(or never). i either have to
>> keep my own version of pkgbuild or change the pkgbuild every time i
>> install. that's not efficient.
>> @Det
>> 1. i dont think my pkgbuild has any wrong dependency. i am really
>> concerned about dependency, and carefully checked chromium build
>> script.
>> 2. i want to have "no-gconf" explicitly. many users are not aware that
>> they have to install no-gconf first, then install chrome.
>> 3. as i said, aur is meant to a mess if you want it to be actually
>> useful. if your logic applies, then we should remove all "mplayer-*",
>> "vlc-*" ..., because we already have mplayer, vlc in [extra]. these
>> "families" of packages are just adding or removing some flags and
>> dependencies(some are even incorrect). having "mutations" gives
>> convenience for users. users dont care about mess really; they care
>> about time as they dont want to manually edit pkgbuild.
> No, no, I do care the the mess of the AUR.Sometimes to choose between
> several similar packages is a pain, you have to download all of them
> and enven compile them to know it.But if there is only one, even if it
> was broken, then you can download it, trying to fix it, then post your
> fix to the comments to let the maintainer and other users know. If the
> maintainer does not response and then you really care about the
> package, then you can request here to adopt it after two weeks instead
> of create you own version in AUR with a different name.This is the How
> Arch Linux Communnity works and how it grows to today.Even if you just
> care about your own need, you can maintain you own PKGBUILD repo,
> please do not pollute the public.The AUR is not to be messed.Think
> about it, you create a duplicated package, you get satisfied with it,
> but after a while, someone got come up and clean up you mess again
> like this time.
> Arch Linux is not a linux distro mean to keep the user lazy and
> foolish, the user need to get familiar with the pain the AUR PKGBUILD
> bring, and learn it fix it, this is a growing up process.Making AUR
> mess with lots of duplicated packages could not save the users time if
> he has skills to fix something, it waste his time to make decision and
> to send mail here to get duplicated deleted.
> Arch Linux is created by people who want to make life simple and tidy
> and clean, not this kind of AUR messy could be accepted.
> Democracy is slow and no efficient, but it is the way to keep every
> going longer, right?This is the thing we Chinese need to learn.
>> On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Alexander Rødseth <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> "out-of-date for a long time" is handled by flagging packages,
>>> e-mailing the maintainer, waiting and then requesting the package to
>>> be deleted here, then it's deleted by TUs
>>> "does not compile" is handled by commenting or contacting the
>>> maintainer then possibly requesting the package to be deleted here,
>>> then it's deleted by TUs
>>> "orphaned for years" is handled by adopting and fixing the package, by
>>> requesting the package to be deleted here or by random TUs
>>> "has dead upstream" is handled by commenting or contacting the
>>> maintainer then possibly requesting the package to be deleted here,
>>> then it's deleted by TUs
>>> "duplicate package" is handled by requesting the package to be deleted
>>> here or by random TUs
>>> TUs handle cases as they appear on the mailing list, as they stumble
>>> over problematic packages by them selves or in connection with the AUR
>>> cleanup day (
>>> Your case is "duplicate package" and is handled as such. The other
>>> cases are handled without needing to direct effort from "duplicate
>>> package" cases.
>>> --
>>> Best regards,
>>>  Alexander Rødseth
>>>  Arch Linux Trusted User
>>>  (xyproto on IRC, trontonic on AUR)

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