I was checking XFCE related orphaned packages and found a couple I think
can be deleted.

libxfce4menu-devel 4.6.1-1
Flagged out of date, feb. 2011.
Latest version (4.6.2) available in extra

xfce4-notifyd-devel 0.2.1-1
Out of date, latest version (0.2.2) is in extra

I see a lot of package flagged out-of-date on 02 Jun 2011, is this some
sort of 'marked for deletion'?
Some of these seem to be up to date. e.g.:

battery-applet-4-xfce4 0.9.1-1
Build depends on HAL (deprecated, but available in AUR), bu no newer
version is available upstream.


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