He has all the tools he could possibly need to work his way as an important 
member of this community. Big Yes here.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:48 PM, Jonathan Steel <m...@jsteel.org> wrote:

> Dear fellow Archers,
> I first enquired about becoming a Trusted User in October 2011 [1] where 
> afterwards I realised the request was a little premature, but I was shown 
> where I can be more involved as a user and where I can spend time improving 
> my PKGBUILDs. Earlier this month I felt I had improved my knowledge and 
> skills significantly, so I asked if someone could take me under their wing 
> and prep me for applying [2]. I feel I have made good progress, and so I am 
> now applying to become a Trusted User. Sven-Hendrik Haase has kindly 
> sponsored me.
> I have been using Linux for 8 years, Arch for 5. I was a distro hopper for 
> some years but I am now 3 years sober. My second favourite distribution (or 
> the one I used the most before Arch) is Debian, but I don't use that any 
> more. A year ago I decided I wanted to get more involved with Arch so I 
> started adopting packages in the AUR and found it was more fun and rewarding 
> than wasting time tweaking my window manager.
> I currently maintain 64 packages [3] which are well varied in categories and 
> with a total of 2,756 votes. I am comfortable creating PKGBUILDs myself. I 
> use devtools to do my building. I am familiar with packaging standards, TU 
> bylaws/guidelines etc. I am always striving to make sure my methods are 
> following the best standards. I have mild OCD.
> I feel I do a good job staying on top of everything. I often check through my 
> packages to see if there are any updates and to check that they still compile 
> and run. I stay in contact with upstream where possible/necessary (RSS feeds, 
> mailing lists, bug reports) and relay any issues in the comments to try and 
> provide the best experience for the users of my packages.
> I keep a close eye on the Arch mailing lists, the forum and what's going on 
> in the AUR. I generally stay quiet until I feel my input will be helpful, and 
> not just be adding to the noise.
> I would love to maintain some of my packages in [community] such as 
> gsimplecal, partclone, obkey, pidgin-facebookchat, consonance, 
> vim-colorschemes, gmail-notify, banner and some games, and also some packages 
> I do not maintain but am a big fan of like dvdbackup and clonezilla. Looking 
> at the orphans in [extra], I am interested in archlinux-artwork, ipcalc, 
> vim-buftabs, aspell-*, dvdrtools, gnuchess and lsdvd. If they could be 
> dropped into [community] I would be happy to maintain these. I would also 
> pick up gtk-chtheme, mednafen and vim-nerdtree from [community].
> I use i686, x86_64 and arm architectures. I enjoy using my 10 year old laptop 
> as much as my 2 year old desktop, so I tend to avoid software bloat so I can 
> run the same setup on all my hardware (don't drop i686 support!). I enjoy 
> trying out and hacking tiling window managers.
> I'm good with web languages like HTML, CSS and PHP. I have written and helped 
> out with websites. I used to be a helper on Richard Stallman's website but 
> thought he was rude so I lost interest... also, Vim FTW! I've used PHP to 
> create some web-based systems (primarily for schools) such as a resource 
> booking system and a system to send emails to groups of people using data 
> from a MIS which I plan to release in the near future. I'm good with BASH, 
> sed, AWK and diff/patch and I have an interest to learn C, python and pearl. 
> I'm quick to pick things up and enjoy learning something new if I feel it 
> will help me. I like spending time on something that will save me time in the 
> future.
> Outside of Arch, I'm 27 and live in Buckinghamshire England. I work at a 
> school as an IT Manager, managing approximately 500 computers and laptops, a 
> VMware setup and approximately 1,100 users. I've basically set up the current 
> system single-handedly. I've been doing that for six years in two schools and 
> before that I was an IT Technician in a school for two years. I've got a lot 
> of experience with Windows (I'm a Microsoft Certified Professional or 
> something... I often forget that) so logging into my home Arch setup is such 
> a relief after a hard day's work.
> I'm married with a daughter of 15 months. Don't worry, they won't interrupt 
> my Arch work. I'll get the baby logged in ASAP so she can start helping. My 
> wife uses Arch but has no interest in it other than to check her email and 
> browse the web, and it serves her well... apart from when I break it.
> I enjoy films, TV series, playing the guitar and playing (more retro) 
> computer games. I used to (but still do a little) compete on the Mario Kart 
> Players Page [4] where in 2004/2005 I was the world champion of Mario Kart: 
> Double Dash!! [5]. I used to help update the website and I am still involved 
> with updating another of the partner websites. 
> If you want to have a chat feel free to email me or message me on IRC.
> Thank you for reading my application. At least I hope you can advise where I 
> can improve so I am a better applicant next time.
> Kind regards,
> Jonathan Steel (jsteel)
> [1] 
> http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2011-October/016278.html
> [2] http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2012-August/019864.html
> [3] 
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?O=0&K=jsteel&do_Search=Go&detail=1&C=0&SeB=m&SB=n&SO=a&PP=100&outdated=
> [4] http://mariokartplayers.com
> [5] http://www.mariokart64.com/mkdd/pastchamp.php

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