On Tue, 05 Feb 2013 11:59:45 +0100, Johannes Löthberg wrote:
On 05/02/2013 10:24, Dominik Heidler wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'd like to take maintainership of the

There are changes on the PKGBUILD needed to get the python-bindings
working again - and some dependency updates.

I've placed a comment on that package on 2012-11-18 without any reaction until now. The package was last updated 2012-05-04 - and the maintainer doesn't seem to have updated any package in the last 6 months. I've sent
him directly an email on 2013-01-29 but he didn't respond.

My username on AUR is "asdil12".




Standard protocol per [1] is to flag the package out of date and then
send the maintainer an email if they do not update the package. After
that you're supposed to wait two weeks for the maintainer to respond
before sending an orphan request to AUR-general.

Although the package in question isn't flagged out of date several of
his other packages, both flagged and not, are outdated.




I set the out-of-date flag for the gnuradio-git package and sent an email (on 2013-02-05) to the maintainer, and asked him, if I could maintain the gnuradio-git and the gnuradio package.

Today I got a response:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Fischer, Moritz" <moritz.fisc...@student.kit.edu>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 08:55:59 +0100
Subject: Re: gnuradio-git package in AUR
To: Dominik Heidler <dheid...@gmail.com>


go ahead, I'm too busy at the moment.



But he didn't set the packages to orphan.
Is thisn already sufficient to change the maintainership, or will I still have to wait one more week?



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