On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 09:40:48PM -0800, Federico Cinelli wrote:
> "cinelli” is what I go by in #archlinux, the Arch Linux forums, the AUR, and 
> the 
> bug tracker. My full name is Federico Cinelli. My sponser is Daniel Wallace 
> (gtmanfred)
> I have been an active member of the Arch Linux community for slightly under a 
> year 
> and have been helping the community for the majority of that time. I’m a 
> Computer
> Science major and also an Automotive Science major. So the willingness to
> understand and see how things operate, has always been a passion of mine.
> I have been using Linux since 1999 and I have cycled through Red Hat, Debian, 
> Crunchbang, 
> FreeBSD, Mint, Ubuntu, and Fedora, until finally finding a place to call 
> home, 
> Arch Linux. My reason for moving through so many distributions was that 
> nothing was 
> “up-stream” enough for me. I alway ran the latest “unstable” repo’s with a 
> constant 
> need to be ahead of the game.
> Building off of a background in C/C++ I began getting really into Bash. 
> Bringing me to
> putting together my first PKGBUILD (pygments-hg). It was a messy process but, 
> I kept
> working on them and sure enough began to understand how the Arch Linux Build 
> System and
> makepkg put things in order. I've read through all the man pages and wiki 
> articles that
> I could find and from there I began adopting ten packages at a time from the 
> AUR and 
> just cleaning them and putting their "ducks in a row" according to the 
> packing standards.
> I now maintain forty-two PKGBUILDs in the AUR with a total of 525 votes. I am 
> more 
> than comfortable building them myself and also helping others build them as 
> well. I 
> use devtools for my builds and I have read and understood the packaging 
> standards and 
> TU guidelines. I am always open to any creative criticism / abuse that is 
> handed out by
> the current Trusted Users. And I appreciate it.
> For the past six months I've been working on getting more in-tune with the 
> forums.
> I've recently started answering posts on the forums and working with people 
> that
> request PKGBUILDs. My latest addition to the AUR evansi0n (used for 
> jailbreaking iOS 6.x)
> was the last request I've answered from the forum. I also spend a majority of 
> my time
> on the IRC channel helping with live support. I have also added as much as I 
> felt fit 
> to the wiki when I have the extra time. I feel like thestinger and company do 
> a great
> job on maintaining it and whenever someone mentions something that is needed 
> I try to
> lend a hand or at least give my input on the direction it's going.
> I've also began developing my own application which is an Automotive 
> Diagnostic Tool which
> uses OBD2 through USB to help bring bring the automotive industry into Linux. 
> I'm 
> extremely interested in helping work on anything related to WINE and porting 
> applications 
> over to Arch. I feel this will allow people to feel much more comfortable 
> using Arch as their
> only OS and get them away from the Dual Booting scenarios. It's not that I 
> see dual booting
> as a hassle, but, I strongly feel that anything that can be accomplished on a 
> Mac / Windows
> based system should be able to be done in on a Linux platform.
> Arch Linux and its community fascinates me and doing what I can to help the 
> community grow
> and prosper is very important to me. That is why I'd like to be a Trusted 
> User.
> --
> You can find a list of PKGBUILDs that I maintain here:
>     - cinelli (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=Cinelli)
> Packages that I would like to start maintaining immediatly [community] are:
>     - gmerlin (https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/gmerlin/)
>     - ifuse (https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/ifuse/)
>     - libquicktime 
> (https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/libquicktime/)
> Also, I would be interested in taking the following from the AUR into 
> [community]:
>     - texmaker (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/texmaker/)
>     - screenfetch (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/screenfetch/)
>     - zukitwo-themes (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/zukitwo-themes/)
>     - velox (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/velox/)
>     - evasi0n (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/evasi0n/)
> My public key can be found here: 
> https://github.com/cinelli/dumptruck/blob/master/cinelli.asc?raw=true
> --
> Thank you for your consideration. 
> -- 
> Federico Cinelli <cinelli.feder...@gmail.com>
> "Stay true."

I am proud to sponser cinelli, I think he would make a great addition as
a TU.

Let the discussion period begin.

Daniel Wallace
Archlinux Trusted User (gtmanfred)
Georgia Institute of Technology

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