On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 03:19:09PM -0500, Dave Reisner wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 09:09:30PM +0100, oliver wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > 
> > is it possible to see the number of downloads of packages from AUR,
> > so that it can be detected, how much interest in a package exists?
> > 
> > Say, there are some users who do not have a AUR-login,
> > and just would install the packages that are there... which are possibly
> > outdated, but would nevertheless be interested in installing
> > newer package, if possible.
> > 
> > If the download number is high enough, even if there
> > are not much votes (because some people may only
> > install stuff but are not interested in package maintaining and so on),
> > then at least interest of a package might be detected this way.
> This is an extremely flawed premise.
> > I'm asking, because I think I can adopt some more packages,
> > but would of course only pick those that I find interesting.
> >
> > They might be interesting (topic), even if I wil not use
> > them by myself.
> > So, from that standpoint, I would then select by my own
> > interest and that of other people.
> > For packages that I use by myself, of course my interest is clear,
> > and I would pick such packages.
> This is really strange (non-)logic. The best maintainer for a package is
> one who is actively interested in the package itself and uses it. How
> else could you possibly support it?

Of course, as I said, I would NOT adopt packages that are
completely uninteresting for me.
Nevertheless, if I think a topic is interesting, and is somehow related
to something I would like to see spreaded, adopting it can make sense.

For example, if I want to push the usage of R, and there are GUIs for
R, that many people would like to use, supporting a GUI for R can mek sense,
even I prefer the shell without GUI for myself.
But if it contributes to spreading R - which I think is a wonderful program -
it would make sense. E.g. I could show the GUI to some friends, who are 
and in this way introduce them to R.

So I would not use it, but would like to provide it.
But it makes no sense, if nobody asks for it.

Do you see what I have in mind?

Do you nevertheless think, this is weak motivation?

About the metrics: download numbers are not perfect, but better than


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