On Thu, 2013-04-04 at 15:26 +0200, Gary van der Merwe wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm the one wrote the Bazaar makepkg support, so any bugs are my fault.
> On 04/04/2013 10:24, Stefan Husmann wrote:
> > ==> Retrieving sources...
> >    -> Branching http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/emacs/xwidget
> > ...
> > bzr: ERROR: No such file:
> > u'/home/haawda/paketierung/maintained_by_me/emacs-xwidget-bzr/4.1/xwidget/.bzr':
> > [Errno 20]
> > Not a directory:
> > '/home/haawda/paketierung/maintained_by_me/emacs-xwidget-bzr/4.1/xwidget/.bzr'
> >
> > ==> ERROR: Failure while branching
> > http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/emacs/xwidget
> >      Aborting...
> This error has happened before pkgver is reached, and so the problem is 
> not with your pkgver function.
> I'm busy running makepkg on your PKGBUILD to see if I reproduce the error.
>  > pkgver() {
>  >    bzr version-info $srcdir/$_bzrmod | awk '/revno:/ {print $2}'
>  > }
> An easier way to do this is by using bzr version-info's built in 
> templating:
> pkgver() {
>     bzr version-info $srcdir/$_bzrmod --custom --template="{revno}\n"
> }
> (see `bzr help version-info` for a list of fields you can use)
> On 04/04/2013 15:04, Alucryd wrote:
> > FYI, I've settled with this for my bzr PKGBUILDs [1]. Only problem
> > is, this works well when first installing the package (even the
> > pkgver bump) and the repo has not been pulled yet, but it fails at
> > any subsequent attempt, throwing this:
> >
> > ==> Making package: pantheon-notify-bzr 24-1 (Thu Apr 4 14:30:31
> > CEST  2013)
> > ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
>  > ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
>  > ==> Retrieving sources...
>  > ==> ERROR: /home/alucryd/Downloads/pantheon-notify is not a branch
>  > of https://code.launchpad.net/~tombeckmann/pantheon-notify/trunk
> > Aborting...
> >
> > Makepkg uses 'bzr config parent_location' to determine the upstream
> > url, which, in this case is
> > http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~tombeckmann/pantheon-notify/trunk/ and
> > not the url in my source array. I'm not sure this qualifies as a bug,
> > but you have to make sure the upstream url is the one reported by
> > that command. I have prepared a small patch for makepkg to print the
> > correct url, I'll open a bug later today and see if the patch can be
> > merged.
> Just a note on why the url you have provided and the url stored in the 
> bzr config are different is because launchpad will return a http 
> permanent redirect.
> My recommendation would be to use the url it redirects to.
> However, I agree that this solution is not the greatest. One thing it 
> stops you from doing is using bzr's directory service urls (e.g. lp:)
> So I look forward to your patch.
> Regards,
> Gary

Hi Gary,

Thx for adding support for bzr! I was writing the bug report when I saw
your mail, it'll probably be quicker if I just attach the git patch
It is not much, but it makes makepkg print the correct http url, so
people know what url they should use. It will not help with lp: urls
though, and right now I have no idea if there's a way to associate the
output of 'bzr config parent_location' to a lp: url. I'll try to think
of an alternate solution.


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