On 4 August 2013 21:35, Lukas Fleischer <archli...@cryptocrack.de> wrote:
> Trying to automate this, I just submitted a couple of AUR patches to
> aur-dev [1].
> Based on this, we could:
> * Add another simple patch that simply displays whether a vote is
>   accepted or not. This leaves no room for discussion on the results of
>   future votes.
> * Implement auto-initiation of removal procedures for repeated quorum
>   offenses.
> That do you think about that?

Excellent, but it looks like there's a problem with when the status
should be counted. We must allow a TU to become active during a vote
-- it will simply be wrong to deny her the right to vote simply
because she was not active at the start.

An inactivity status must have an accompanying duration, be it a real
input (start, end date), informative text ("Holidays til sept"), or an
e-mail (as is presently warranted by the bylaws). Having an input
complicates the automation, but an e-mail also becomes manual burden.

The case of an MIA is different. There may not be three consecutive
votes during the period of absence, so automatic removal won't happen.
The removal must be proposed based on other activity criteria, such as
(lack of) packaging. So this cannot be automated.

All of these are not set in stone -- the bylaws can be modified to
better fit an automated system. To begin with, it must be modified if
the proposed changes are committed verbatim (defining activity status,
removal procedure), subject to a vote.


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