On 1 November 2013 18:58,  <alexande...@gmx.com> wrote:
> Are you trying tio re-implement Metalinks? They have become standartized way 
> to do what you want ages
> ago. They are even supported by curl! Add metalink file to package (or 
> reference one from upstream),
> redefine DLAGENTS to something like 'metalink::/usr/bin/curl --metalink %u' 
> and, if possible, convince
> makepkg developers to add that DLAGENT to default makepkg.conf. VoilĂ , no 
> one's KISS principles
> violated.

IMHO, this sounds better than a buildscript full of hyperlinks.
Alternative mirrors should be an optional feature. I'd even go as far
as to suggest just having a .mirrors file (lowercase to differentiate
it from pacman files) with a list of optional locations for each
source, while adding a bit of code to makepkg to go through the list
if the primary source locations fail for whatever reason. But that's
my uninformed opinion.


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