Thanks for your input, Doug. I didn't know that letters were verboten.
Other than that one issue, the PKGBUILD looks great to me.

On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Bruno Jimenez <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Updated version of the PKGBUILD:
> > Whoops, I misread the PKGBUILD. Ignore my suggestion. No, you do not need
> > to add zetacoin-qt-git.install to the `source` and `sha256sums` arrays.
> Ok, nothing added then.
> > The `pkgver` you added is OK, but it could be better. The zetacoin git
> > repository has tagged releases, and the wiki states: [1]
> >
> > > It is recommended to have following version format:
> >
> >  Here's a better command for generating a package version number:
> >
> > > git describe --long | sed -E 's/([^-]*-g)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
> >
> > That command generates the following version number:
> >
> > > v0.8.2.r218.g5eed859
> Added the new package version number. Althought it's a bit strange to
> see a package whose version starts with 'v'.
> > Consider adding `cd "$srcdir"` to the beginning of the `package()`
> function.
> >
> > Please excuse my use of bastardized english. I could have worded my
> > suggestion more clearly.
> It was my fault, your english is good, it was just that I didn't
> understand what you meant me to add. (^_^)
> > The bitcoin docs discuss how to build bitcoin on unix. [2] (zetacoin is
> > based on bitcoin, so the bitcoin docs should be relevant) They state:
> >
> > > miniupnpc may be used for UPnP port mapping. It can be downloaded from
> > here. UPnP support is compiled in and turned off by default.
> >
> > Also, namcap complains about the zetacoin-qt-git package if miniupnpc is
> > not listed as a dependency:
> >
> > > zetacoin-qt-git E: Dependency miniupnpc detected and not included
> > (libraries ['usr/lib/'] needed in files
> > ['usr/bin/zetacoin-qt'])
> >
> > These two facts indicate that miniupnpc should be included as a
> dependency.
> > I suggest adding a comment to the top of the PKGBUILD explaining why
> > miniupnpc is included as a dependency.
> Ok, readded it as a dependency and added the comment at the top.
> > [1]
> >
> > [2]
> Thanks for all the help!
> Bruno

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