> first package i encountered is extra/nvidia-utils [0] (PKGBUILD can be
retrieved via abs [1])  there you find
> install -D -m644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/nvidia/LICENSE"
> ln -s nvidia "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/nvidia-utils"
> the same is done for a lot of lib32-packages in multilib. even if you
still get a warning from namcap, this looks like a nice, clean and commonly
accepted solution to me.

Ick. I'm surprised this is a common practice. It seems insane for one
package to mess with a second package's files.

Anyway, even similar packages may have distinct licenses. For example,
JoKoT3 mentions that gnuplot-nox does not include the same set of
dependencies as gnuplot. In theory, this means that the two packages could
require different licenses.

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