On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 10:25 AM, Sergej Pupykin <m...@sergej.pp.ru> wrote:


Bartłomiej Piotrowski proposed packaging standard changes:
if there are 2 versions of some package foobar, then older version (1.0
for example) must be named as foobar1-1.0 and newer version (2.0 for
example) must be named as foobar-2.0.

I did not see such rule yet on
page, but my package openjpeg2 was silently removed with this reason
however there are gtk* and wxgtk* packages that also violate this

I insist on giving me proof-link for this rule, including this rule
into wiki
and renaming all packages according this rule.

Or just leave it as is and stop dropping my packages.

For more info see:

I would change that rule a bit, because wxgtk is a special case. The 2.9 branch is a devel branch, keeping wxgtk for the stable branch and adding a suffix for the devel branch makes sense. Speaking of wxgtk, now that 3.0.0 is out, we will most likely need to get rid of wxgtk29 and create a legacy wxgtk28 package.

Anyway, imho the rule should be: use plain name for the latest stable release, and add the appropriate suffix (usually 1 or 2 digits) for any other release.


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