On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 05:32:19PM -0600, Dustin Falgout wrote:
> On 12/21/2013 01:12 PM, Balló György wrote:
> > Sad news. You did a great job on maintaining PackageKit's alpm backend
> > in the recent years. Thanks for your work, and good luck!
> >
> > If nobody step up porting the alpm backend to PackageKit version 0.8
> > (huge work!), I'll drop the following packages from the [community]
> > repository in the next days:
> > - apper
> > - gnome-settings-daemon-updates
> > - gnome-packagekit
> > - packagekit
> > - packagekit-qt2
> > - python2-packagekit
> >
> > --
> > György Balló
> > Trusted User
> Hi guys,
> I am planning to complete the porting of the alpm backend to packagekit
> 0.8+ I reached out to Jonathan a few weeks ago and he was very helpful
> in bring me up to speed on what's left to be done. Sadly, I have not had
> the time to get it done yet. Things at work are going to slow down a lot
> for me once the holiday season is over and getting the port finished is
> definitely high up on my to do list. This thread caught my eye as I was
> scanning through email so I  thought I should take a second to make my
> plans known :)
> Happy Holidays!
> -- 
> *Dustin Falgout*
> Antergos Dev Team
> E-Mail: dus...@falgout.us <mailto:dus...@falgout.us>
> Google/Skype: dustinfalgout
> IRC Chat: #antergos <http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=antergos&uio=d4>
> <http://antergos.com/>

Hi Dustin,

Feel free to contact me related to packagekit. Thanks for stepping up to
complete the alpm backend for packagekit 0.8+


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