On 01-20 17:55, Doug Newgard wrote:
> ----------------------------------------
> > Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 23:32:08 +0000
> > From: o...@project-insanity.org
> > To: aur-general@archlinux.org
> > Subject: [aur-general] TU application, sponsored by Lukas Fleischer
> >
> > Hi ArchLinux community,
> > I like to apply as TU, sponsored by Lukas Fleischer (aka CryptoCrack),
> > since my passion and work for ArchLinux continues since half a decade
> > and I really would like to get more involved into development and
> > package maintaining.
> > My name is Jonas (my public key [1]), I'm 23 years old, computer science
> > student in Karlsruhe, Germany. I switched to Linux in school while
> > working voluntarily on a school server [2] and school internet cafe
> > together with a class mate in our free time. Hacking on fun projects
> > became on of my big hobbies and some of them are documented in my blog
> > [3]. I get a lot of inspiration and exchange in my local hacker space,
> > the Entropia e.V. [4] which is part of the CCC (Chaos Computer Club) [5]
> > but also at work as a network administrator at the architecture faculty
> > of my university.
> > I love ArchLinux, using it on my servers (with several ArchLinux vms)
> > and on my laptop, because it's simple, basic and fast. The wiki is also
> > one of my favorite places in the community, because all the
> > documentation is pragmatic and to the point. I constantly write new
> > how-to's or improve instructions on other pages [6]. In my opinion, a
> > well written Wiki/Doku, also for all the third-party software, is very
> > important and one reason why I don't want to use Debian anymore for my
> > projects.
> > I learned how to write clean and sometimes complex PKGBUILDs over time
> > and now maintaining up to 150 AUR packages [7]. Some of them are really
> > important to me (using them on my server or integrated them to my
> > projects) and I think also important to the community, so I would like
> > to put them into the community repository. For example: archivemount,
> > btar, dmtcp, etherpad-lite, freecad, gallery, gitlab, hlds, joomla,
> > opentracker, pyload, python-libtorrent-rasterbar, sslstrip, etc. For
> > other packages, I adopted them just to fix broken PKGBUILDs or I tried
> > to port non-supported software to ArchLinux like Zenoss, oVirt or Kolab
> > while working with their developers to improve ArchLinux support.
> > At least, here are some of my experimental projects you can look at:
> > p2pacman [8], pkgcheck [9], wikidict [10], carpc based on ArchLinux
> > [11].
> > For further questions, you can find me on #archlinux at freenode or just
> > ask them here on the mailinglist.
> > Best regards,
> > Jonas
> >
> > [1] http://onny.project-insanity.org/files/gpg.asc
> > [2]
> > http://www.project-insanity.org/blog/2010/06/03/dokumentation-zur-einrichtung-des-schulserver-fur-die-freie-waldorfschule-vaihingenenz/
> > (text unfortunately in German)
> > [3] http://project-insanity.org
> > [4] https://entropia.de
> > [5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Computer_Club
> > [6] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Special:Contributions/Onny
> > [7] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?K=onny&SeB=m
> > [8] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=163362
> > [9] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=162816
> > [10] https://git.morbi-happens.de/onny/wikidict
> > [11]
> > http://www.project-insanity.org/blog/2012/10/10/archlinux-touchscreen-carpc-mit-xbmc-frontend/
> I'm a nobody, so my opinion probably doesn't count, but if you can't properly
> maintain the package you already have the AUR, why do you want to take on more
> responsibility? A quick look shows packages marked out of date, one for nearly
> 10 months (flamerobin), packages with fixes posted in the comments months ago
> that you haven't implemented (libappindicator), VCS packages with useless
> pkgver() functions (most of your -git packages), and packages with no 
> package()
> function (vim-paster and others). So help me out here, what would make you a
> good TU?                                        
Most of the packages get better over time and in my case, it's not
possible to have 140 packages in perfect state at once. So I can perfectly 
update or fix 4 packages/day (sometimes more if I automatically scan for new 
with pkgcheck :)), but some require community feedback/discussion,
some need upstream fixes or further time for debugging.
For the most part, the packages were in a much worse state than today.
In my opinion the AUR is something like a incubator for new,
experimental or less popular packages. If I havent put an early
unfinished version of Gitlab [1] into the AUR, I wouldn't have been able
to get that many constructive feedback and at the same time write an
instruction at the wiki [2]. I guess the diversity is the reason, why the AUR is
such a popular feature of ArchLinux. Of course there are more stable, less 
experimental packages which I want to see in the community repository.

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gitlab/
[2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Gitlab

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