On Sun 02 Feb 2014 at 13:24, Rob McCathie wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 10:53 AM, Michael Schubert <mschu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > (Maintainers, if any, are in CC.)
> >
> > Could you please merge:
> >
> > https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python2-imaging/ ->
> > https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python2-imaging-alt/ **
> > Reason: PIL is being phased out by pillow; 1st is orphan and 2nd one not to
> > be replaced like in [community]
> > Maintainer: please add a replaces=() flag, it should replace python2-imaging
> > and not python-imaging
> [...]
> I agree python2-imaging should be deleted or merged into
> python2-imaging-alt

I don't agree that this should happen.

> since when a user installs python2-imaging the
> next time they go to system update pacman of course offers to replace
> it with python2-pillow. (Yes I know they /could/ just use IgnorePkg=
> in pacman.conf)

I do agree this is what you should do if you want to continue using it,
rather than upload an incorrectly named, duplicate package. I will remove

Jonathan Steel

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