Firstly, apologies for the top post. Posting from my phone doesn't allow bottom 

Yes, plymouth-git builds, but it fails to load either the drm or frame-buffer 
renderers in execution causing it to fall back to text mode. I have checked my 
initramfs, and all the files for plymouth are correctly installed.

Hope that clears up what I mean by plymouth-git being broken. 


> On 25 Feb 2014, at 22:10, WorMzy Tykashi <> wrote:
>> On 25 February 2014 10:44, Padfoot <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am the current maintainer of the AUR packages:
>> plymouth-release
>> plymouth-git
>> plymouth-release is at version 0.8.8 on
>> and is working
>> plymouth-git at is currently
>> broken
>> While investigation the plymouth-git breakage, I found source for
>> plymouth-0.8.9 in Fedora Rawhide nightlies.
>> 0.8.9 builds and works correctly, but as it is from the Fedora Rawhide
>> nightlies, the source is subject to frequent changes.
>> I am seeking suggestions of what I could/could not should/should not do with
>> the 0.8.9 package.
>> I could update plymouth-release to this package, but it is not an "official"
>> release.
>> I could temporarily replace plymouth-git with this package until git is
>> working, but it's not really a git source.
>> I could upload a new plymouth-rawhide package, but I don't want to spam the
>> AUR with yet another version unnecessarily.
>> FInally I could just do nothing and wait until the "official" update to the
>> source on
>> Bear in mind, as the sources are from Fedora Rawhide nightlies, I have
>> embeded the source archive in the package to prevent breakage from frequent
>> updates. The package size including the source is 1.2MB.
>> Of course, I would like to share this updated (as of Feb 2014) source with
>> the Arch community, but under the circumstances, I think advice on how to
>> proceed from the TUs is warranted.
>> Thanks.
>> Lachlan.
> plymouth-git builds here in a clean-chroot, so I assume that upstream
> already addressed the breakage, or your build failure is a result of
> your system configuration.
> Personally, I'd leave the situation as it is, plymouth = stable,
> plymouth-git = unstable/testing. There's little point packaging 0.8.9
> in the interim, people that switch to it will (presumably) have to
> switch back once it goes "official".
> WorMzy

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