在 2014-2-27,7:23,"Maxime Gauduin" <aluc...@gmail.com> 写道:

> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:31 PM, Rob Til Freedmen 
> <rob.til.freed...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Maxime Gauduin <aluc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Jerome Leclanche 
>> > <adys...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> >
>> >> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fluidr3/
>> >>
>> >> Appears to be the same packaged data as
>> >> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/soundfont-fluid/ except it doesn't
>> >> build properly. Note: I might be wrong on this, but I can't figure out
>> >> how to make it build.
>> Not sure what your problem was.. I had it installed for some time
>> and I'm sure I would have complained if there were problems.
>> > I haven't tried building the fluidr3 package recently, but that sfark
>> > format is a pain in the neck anyway. The fluidr3 soundfont from
>> Not sure what you mean by 'sfark format' in this context - both install .sf2
>> Though, one installs it in upper case...
> The original fluid soundfont is compressed as an sfark archive which needs to 
> be decompressed by an external tool (sfarkxtc) before you get an sf2 (sf2 != 
> sfark). The one from MuseScore is a more common GZip archive. 
>> > soundfont-fluid doesn't use that and comes with changes from the musescore
>> Yes, a missing note (#94) - and soundfont-fluid should have added the
>> Changelog.txt
>> > guys, so it's actucally a more up-to-date version of the original fluidr3
>> > by hammersound. I'll merge fluidr3 into soundfont-fluid. Thx.
>> But soundfont-fluid not only misses a Changelog.txt but also Fluid R3-
>> Readme.doc and
>> a proper url (still at "http://www.hammersound.net"; instead of
>> "http://www.musescore.org/...";
>> *and* introduces blanks in the sound font file name "FluidR3 GM2-2.sf2"
>> Look at https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/soundfont-fluid/ for complains.
> I'm not sure changelog and readme are essential here, but I agree that 
> whitespace is a _bad_ choice. I'd rather have it named 'FluidR3_GM.sf2'. As 
> for the URL, you could argue that both URLs are valid, as Hammersound is the 
> original author of the soundfont.
> Anyway, I'm CCing the current maintainer, and will take over the package in 2 
> weeks time if nothing has changed since I've had a PKGBUILD for this 
> soundfont around for some time.

Thank you for your patience.
I will try to rename that filename containing space (though it can be escaped 
in Timidity++ config file).

However, I have no idea where the Changelog.txt and Readme.rtf stored. It seems 
that MuseScore provided a version even newer than that from Hammersound. Since 
MuseScore did not zip the Changelog along with the soundfont. I cannot provide 
any information on changelog.

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