On Tue, Apr 01, 2014 at 08:27:57PM +0200, Lukas Jirkovsky wrote:
> I feel that this PKGBUILD needs to be preserved for future generations
> after it has been deleted from AUR:
> pkgname=secure-certificates
> pkgver=0
> pkgrel=0
> pkgdesc="Trust no one"
> arch=(any)
> license=('WTFPL')
> url=('')
> conflicts=('ca-certificates')
> provides=('ca-certificates')
> build() {
> echo "diy or die!"
> }
> package() {
> echo "nothing to do here too"
> }


Not sure how to feel about this.  On one hand, this is harmless and fun.
On the other, I don't think precedence for keeping joke packages on the
AUR is good.

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